Prophet Sulaiman A.S.

by Amalia

And when We decreed for Sulaiman’s death, nothing indicated to the jinn his death except a creature of the earth eating his staff. But when he fell, it became clear to the jinn that if they had known the unseen, they would not have remained in humiliating punishment.

Maka tatkala Kami telah menetapkan kematian Sulaiman, tidak ada yang menunjukkan kepada mereka kematiannya itu kecuali rayap yang memakan tongkatnya. Maka tatkala ia telah tersungkur, tahulah jin itu bahwa kalau sekiranya mereka mengetahui yang ghaib tentulah mereka tidak akan tetap dalam siksa yang menghinakan.

Al-Qur’an 34:14

This is rather an interesting verse from the Qur’an about the Prophet Sulaiman AS — which I missed out. Just like his wonder life and all his greatness that Allah SWT blessed him for, his death too was a rather unique one. While Prophet Sulaiman stood leaning on his cane / staff and praying, his soul left him. He did not fall and was in the same position until the termites ate away his cane. Nobody, including the humans and jinn, knew that he had died a long time ago.

One important thing to be mentioned about this verse is that: only Allah SWT had the knowledge of the unseen (including future). Jinn knew nothing at all. Therefore, we shouldn’t rely on them. They might be able to hear some “gossips” from the sky and deliver them to dukun (witch), but we never know that the information that is given is true.

Wallahu a’lam.Â