Coffee Time with a CouchSurfer

by Amalia


A CouchSurfer from New York, Johanna, contacted me a few days ago to meet up for a coffee. So I told her to meet at Usine (again!).

It was a really AWESOME afternoon! We got along really well, which surprised me. She’s one year younger than me but she already had a beautiful baby! Oh it made me envy!

She’s really different than most Americans that I met. She’s more open-minded and more open to experiencing other cultures. I asked a lot of things about American culture and I discovered that there were many things I didn’t know! Well, I had a great time talking to her and playing with her baby girl, Bella. Bella was such an active baby! I felt we got along really well too!!! Hehhehe.

I invited her to the Angklung Charity Concert this Thursday and it seemed like she’s more likely to come. Oh I was excited! We were planning to meet up again — this time I promised her that I would be teaching her how to cook Indonesian food! 🙂