The Essential Rumi

by Amalia

The Essential Rumi

The minute I heard my first love story
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.

Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere.
They’re in each other all along. — Rumi

The Rumi book that I ordered 3 weeks ago has finally arrived! I’m so happy.

In total, I have 9 other books waiting to be read. I’ve already started reading few pages of Rumi, quarter pages of Bill Clinton’s Giving, some pages of Karen Amstrong’s Muhammad, and John Roosa’s Dalih Pembunuhan Massal. I’ve been trying to keep myself contented and busy — and reading these books have been quite enjoyable.

Even so, I thought of buying the famous Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, after watching its BBC TV series on YouTube, featuring one of my favorite actors, Colin Firth who really fit into the character of Mr. Darcy I must say! Few years ago, I watched Pride & Prejudice’s movie adaptation, and I remember how I really loved it!! That’s why I came to think of buying the book. I know that I hate classic English literature, but that’s because its constructions of words are hard to understand. But I really want to learn. I want to get used to it. I want to be able to feel and understand the beauty of those words.

But anyhow, I was happy to find the full version of Pride & Prejudice on Google Books! So I decided to read it online in the meantime — perhaps I’ll buy it once I read all of those 9 books.