Phew. There are too many things to be grateful about today. It was quite a busy and tiring day, yet at the same time it was such a fun and exciting day.
After about a month of procrastinating, finally my friend and I resumed our project that had been looooongggg abandoned. I went to the ICTheek in the morning and tried to understand the whole thing. It wasn’t so effective, but at least we saw some light. We saw progress. It was slow. Yet, we were a bit sure. At least, this could be my new motivation! 🙂
I went to the High Tech Campus to meet with some people to finalize my website project. I was sooo panic that time because I was 15 minutes late! I could have been on time had my Dutch class finished on time and I weren’t LOST! It was raining so heavily that for the second time I was lost. I took the wrong street. I cycled and cycled and cycled until I had no energy. I felt so bad 🙁
Long story short… I met them and discussed about some improvements and adjustments that I needed to make. We discussed about the salary too. Well, in the beginning I wasn’t expecting that much since this was a new NGO. So I was quite satisfied with it, alhamdulillah. I also told my boss that once I graduate (if!), I’d be able to work for him temporarily; so that at least I can do something while I seek for a permanent job. Well, let’s see what will happen later.
After the meeting, my boss and I also had a long conversation about his work and life, politics, etc. It was quite interesting. Meeting this kind of people who is the initiator and whose purpose is to improve other people’s life always inspires me. Hope I’d be able to do it one day. Insya Allah. Amin.
My day finished with a great dinner at Agni’s place with his sister and Arya. It was such a fun and warm night. We haven’t done any dinner gatherings for sometime now… Hmm, maybe we should plan one soon! (trying to gather my motivation here!)
I’m really looking forward for tomorrow. I’ll be going to meet a couchsurfer from Russia for a coffee. This would be the first meet up after I took a long half a year break from Couchsurfing. It’s going to be exciting! And he seems very excited! I’ll share the stories tomorrow, of course. Good night. Dream sweetly.