8 Secrets of Success
I’m a big fan of TED and I try to watch at least one video per week from the site. It has such informative talks! Anyhoo…
This is a short 3 minutes talk by Richard St. John about 8 secrets of success; after conducting 500 interviews for 7 years! His talk is very useful, entertaining, and funny at the same time. One of the secrets of success is persistance. He said that we need to be persist to failure and CRAP — which is: Criticism, Rejection, Assholes, and Pressure. ROFL!!
After watching this short talk, I found his other TED talk on YouTube and felt reminded once again. It’s indeed true that “success is a continuous journey.” It’s not a one way street. You gotta keep doing the 8 elements of success in order to avoid failure. This is really happening to me right now. I don’t think I’m already successful. But going to and studying in Europe has been my dream since I was in High School. I’ve catched that dream and I feel like I’m on top of my world. But sadly to say that I sit back and relax during the time when I shouldn’t be doing any of that. I have stopped working hard. I have lost my passion. My ideas have been blocked. And I’m on the edge of failure.
I don’t think I feel 100% motivated by this video, but being reminded and “slapped in the face” is all I really need right now. And thank you, my stranger friend, who surely gave me the push to take a one step forward (and even kind enough to be the barking dog 😛 ). I hope I can continue my journey, which has been ceased for as long as I can remember, from this day on.