Project 365

Welcome! This is my own 365 project of creating at least one post per day about the stuff that I learnt, achieved, and found, the stuff that made me happy, or the new thing I did every single day.

The project was started on 21 February 2010. It has stopped for few times but I am determined to continue!

This project is dedicated to myself. I want to feel grateful for every single thing I have. I want to be thankful for my own life. I just want to feel that I have enough.

Tag: music

If Time Is All I Have

James Blunt—If Time Is All I Have


When you marry
And you look around
I’ll be somewhere in that crowd
Torn up, that it isn’t me

When you’re older
The memories fade
But I know I’ll still feel the same
For as long as I live

But if time is all I have
I’ll waste it all on you

Damn, this is one of the saddest songs ever! His performance was so beautiful! His voice was amazing. He could really relate to the song. He sang the song so emotionally. I never realized that he’s a great singer until recently. I’ve been listening to his songs ever since.

Indonesia Pusaka

Indonesia tanah air beta
Pusaka abadi nan jaya
Indonesia sejak dulu kala
Tetap di puja-puja bangsa

Di sana tempat lahir beta
Dibuai dibesarkan bunda
Tempat berlindung di hari tua
Tempat akhir menutup mata

From YouTube to TV. This is Gamaliel and Audrey Tapiheru singing Indonesia’s patriotic song, Indonesia Pusaka during our Independence Day. They sang other old Indonesian songs as part of the medley. Great orchestra and performance!

The Moving Out Day

Today was officially the moving out day. With the help of my friends, Agni and Jessie, I managed to bring all of my stuff to the new place, so that I could sleep there tonight. We started transporting the stuff (and junks :P) at 7pm, all the way until around 12am. It was such a hectic and messy day. And it was raining too! For the whole freakin day! How awesome, right?! We couldn’t assemble the bed right away though, so I had to sleep on the floor between all my junks and stuff. My first night in my new room!

I also got to cycle to my new place at around 9pm, curious to know how it felt like to pass the neighborhood at night (and passing the red light district, of course lol). There were a lot of cars and people near the district. All of the sudden, a lot of things ran into my mind about these people (you know what I mean hahahaha). I also pass a coffee shop (which is the place to sell cannabis) around the corner of the street and there was a security guy standing outside. Apart from the uneasy feeling of being around the neighborhood, everything else was actually fine. I hoped it would always be like that. I would be passing this street almost everyday, so I had to get used to it, somehow.

Nevertheless, I managed to sneak in to mbak Dina’s place to practice angklung with the others in the afternoon before the whole moving out took place. It was really fun. I was excited about our ‘first’ official concert! We had agreed upon the name of the event itself: Angklung Concert: Bamboo in Harmony. Love the name! Eight more practice to go before the concert!

The Mood to Rock


Breaking Benjamin is one of the best rock bands out there! 🙂

Playing Angklung!


There were many things I missed out during my stay in Jeddah. One of them was to play angklung at our first ever cultural event, Made in Indonesia, held at our campus.

I always loved cultural events! Besides having to promote our beautiful culture to others, it’s a great way to learn my country’s culture too! When I was in Brisbane, I had a chance to learn Acehnese Saman Dance and perform it for a number of times at different events around the city. I was proud of it. The reaction was incredibly great. People were amazed by us and we became more famous hahaha. It was a great success. So I really wanted to be part of something like this again… but it turned out, I couldn’t.

Suddenly, I was told that the angklung group was going to perform again next November and they were recruiting new members! So I immediately joined the group. Hehehe. Today was my first day of practicing. It was yeaaaaaaars ago that I saw and "read" the numbered musical notation. Phew. It was fun though! Finally I could play angklung! Hahaha.

* Photo courtesy of Windi, taken at Made in Indonesia event.

Tanah Airku Indonesia


Tanah airku tidak kulupakan
Kan terkenang selama hidupku
Biarpun saya pergi jauh
Tidak kan hilang dari kalbu
Tanah ku yang kucintai
Engkau kuhargai

Walaupun banyak negri kujalani
Yang masyhur permai dikata orang
Tetapi kampung dan rumahku
Di sanalah kurasa senang
Tanahku tak kulupakan
Engkau kubanggakan

The Best For You

An amazing song sang by Ada Band and Gita Gutawa. This used to be my favorite song ever.

But listening to this song again drowns me into the ocean of sadness. I wish I can just skip September. Or I wish I can just be in a comma, so that when I wake up, October welcomes me with a smile. I don’t know what to expect. What I know is that… reality is cruel and I’m not ready to face it. I’ll never be ready.

Ehsas Jadid

I have successfully influenced my friend Ari to Arabic music! Haha! And she seemed to like it! 🙂

Anyway, I was supposed to have dinner with my friend today, but unfortunately she cancelled it. I was a bit disappointed about it as we hadn’t seen each other for so long, but I understood that she had some stuff to sort out.

I went for an afternoon walk today and I thoroughly loved it. Walking for half an hour, thinking about my life and other issues. It’s enjoyable. Spending your time alone is really important 🙂

And what was the result of this afternoon walk? I got an idea to write for my blog. Stay tuned!! 🙂

The One With Do-Re-Mi

This video makes me smile everytime I see it. They have such a great idea of turning musical looking like spontaneous one at a big train station in Antwerp, Belgium. Enjoy! 🙂

If we do the un-thinkable…

This is his favorite song from Alicia Keys’ newest album. It’s one of my favorites too. Every time I hear the song, it reminds me of him. I never actually paid attention to the lyrics. But then I realize that this song is about a guy and a girl who are not in a committed relationship, but somehow one of them are starting to have the feeling that’s impossible to ignore.

This storyline is somewhat familiar.