Project 365

Welcome! This is my own 365 project of creating at least one post per day about the stuff that I learnt, achieved, and found, the stuff that made me happy, or the new thing I did every single day.

The project was started on 21 February 2010. It has stopped for few times but I am determined to continue!

This project is dedicated to myself. I want to feel grateful for every single thing I have. I want to be thankful for my own life. I just want to feel that I have enough.

Tag: life


Sometimes apologizing doesn’t mean that you are wrong and the other is right. It only means that you value the relationship more than your personal ego.

— Anonymous

Apologizing is one of the things that many people try to avoid. Some people are not brave enough to say it. They refuse to face the reality. But they are brave enough to make mistakes and betray the other person. Some people think that apology automatically puts them in the weakest position. But actually, they are already in the weakest position by the time they decided not to apologize.

Randy Pausch once said, a good apology consists of three parts:

  • Say that you are sorry, e.g. I’m sorry that I hurt you
  • Admit that what you did was wrong, e.g. it was my fault
  • And ask the other person, how do I make it right?

The third part is the part which many people tend to forget. But it’s very essential — that’s how you see whether or not the apology is sincere.

So, when you screw up, do apologize 🙂

It’s Okay To Not Be Alright!

You can never tell what people are thinking and feeling unless they tell you, and usually they lie. you ask them, ‘Whats wrong?’ and they say ‘Nothing’. You accept this because it’s easier than digging for the truth. People smile when they want to cry, they laugh when they want to scream and shout. They pretend like nothing is wrong because they don’t want to face the truth. Things aren’t always rainbows and butterflies, sometimes you gotta scream and cry your anger and sadness to the world, because you can only hold it in for so long before something in you snaps. so when you want to cry, cry. When you want to scream, scream. Don’t hide behind fake smiles, it’s ok to not be alright!



If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself.
The dreams will come to you

— Randy Pausch

Enjoying Life…

I had such a lazy and relaxing day today. Chatting. Reading few pages of Rumi. Cooking. Doing some laundry. I enjoyed it. I loved staying at home. I was happy and I had nothing to complain about.

One of my favorite bloggers, Karen Cheng, just published a post today about 5 things to do everyday (in order to find some balance and spirit in life). I really love it! Here are the list (make sure you read the explanation on her blog!):

  1. Do something enjoyable
  2. Do something active
  3. Do something brainy, challenging or intellectual
  4. Do something good for someone else
  5. Take one moment to savour life and your surroundings

I do 3 out of 5 points frequently, which are number 1, 3, and 5. I do #4, but not as frequent and I feel like I have to do more with it. I’ve been struggling to do #2. I never really like sport. I’ve always wanted to learn to play tennis, but I’m just too lazy to do it. I need someone to push me! 😀

Perhaps, the two points will be my own resolution for this year 🙂

The Change in Me

I’ve been thinking about myself lately. I feel like I’ve changed. I used to be not so picky about many things, including making friends. But now I’m much more careful. I used to love being alone. I used to dream about living alone. But now I loathe being by myself. I want to be around with people I care about. I want to be with my friends all the time. I used to be so carefree, but now I’m worried about many things. I used to dream about having a successful career and earning a lot of money. But now I want to be a successful mother and wife.

In a way, I don’t mind with these changes. As long as these changes are positives and do not harm others. I’m happy with it. It’s just amazing to see my own transformation in a matter of short time. This is just my reflection to end the day 🙂