Project 365

Welcome! This is my own 365 project of creating at least one post per day about the stuff that I learnt, achieved, and found, the stuff that made me happy, or the new thing I did every single day.

The project was started on 21 February 2010. It has stopped for few times but I am determined to continue!

This project is dedicated to myself. I want to feel grateful for every single thing I have. I want to be thankful for my own life. I just want to feel that I have enough.

Tag: life

The End Bit Is Animated

We help people when big things happen to them, when you see them getting hit by a car, when a brother or a sister or a father or a mother dies, we’re there for them because we can see that death kills more than the person it takes. And yet, the people around us who die a little all the time, moment by moment, who require the least help, the smallest sacrifice, are the ones we ignore completely.

— Iain Thomas @ I Wrote This For You

Just a reminder for myself. And for anyone who reads this.


I was browsing the list of best blogs of 2010 from Time magazine and I ended up myself in this blog. It’s a very interesting blog, I have to say, even from the moment I read the first post! Then I found myself reading this: Why I don’t care about success and I couldn’t agree more to what was written! It’s been in my mind for so long and I didn’t know how to actually say it. But everything was explained perfectly in this post!

If all you’re striving for is money, you’ll do horrible things to get it. If all you want is a successful business, you’ll screw people over to get it. If all you want is fame, you’ll give up your dignity to achieve it.

Success isn’t about achieving something in the future, but about doing something right now that you love.

So forget about “success”, and just find joy, passion, love, awesome-ness right now, in this moment. *That* is a success you can achieve, without any self-help course, without any method. Just go out and do it.

I have been walking this journey of life for quite awhile without carrying the burden of success with me. Many people around me do not agree with it, however. They think that I’ve spent most of my life studying and earning degrees, so the only thing I should be doing next is to find a decent job with a decent pay. But I’m not looking for that anymore, I’m sorry. I may want to have a lot of money just because I want to travel or set up a school or community project, but the term success is far from my mind right now. Is having a top job the only result or advantage that I can take after my years of efforts in academic fields? I just want to enjoy everything and do something I’m passionate about… It’s a simple wish and it’s a flexible one. It’s more flexible than having a good high positioned job in a well-known company, right?

The Praise

The best way to be great, is to not try to be great. Do something good for someone, without seeking their thanks or their praise and you will be rewarded with a feeling from within. Which is a thousand times better than a feeling from without.

— Iain Thomas @ I Wrote This For You

Indeed, the feeling from within. That’s something powerful that can’t be replaced by anything else.


Sometimes I wish you would understand how I view and stir my life… then everything would be easy.

But then, if everything was easy, it wouldn’t be called life, would it?


Life is like a river. There is no precharted way; there are no maps to be given to you which are to be followed.  Just be alive and alert, and then wheresoever life leads you go with full confidence in it. Allow it to lead you, don’t force it. Surrender to it and allow it to lead you towards the sea. Just be alert, that is all. While life leads you towards the sea just be alert so that you don’t miss anything.

— Osho

Turn the heater’s temperature to the max. Take medicine and a hot balm. Wrap myself under my thick blanket. Sleep.

Dear flu, please don’t be too harsh on me.

The Best of Them

If you want others to think the best of you, you need to start by thinking the best of them

— Yasir Qadhi

Gotta erase those negative thinking resided in my mind! 🙂

Move the way love makes you move

Keep walking, though there’s no place to get to.
Don’t try to see through the distances.
That’s not for human beings.
Move within, but don’t move the way fear makes you move

— Jalal ad-Din Rumi

Yes, I gotta keep walking, though I don’t know where this path leads me to. I live in the present and that’s the only thing I can see. "Now" is where I belong. And I don’t want to let my fear controls me. Because fear looks too much on the future and I’m not supposed to see it.

Fight for the fear and live the life we have now.

The Supreme Soul

Until you’ve found pain, you won’t reach the cure
Until you’ve given up life, you won’t unite with the supreme soul

— Jalal ad-Din Rumi

True. When we are happy, sometimes we forget to be thankful to The Creator. When we suffer, that’s when we try to search for Him.

May Allah SWT always protects us and makes us one of those people who always remember Him. Amin.

You know you’ve been in the Netherlands for too long when…

Found this group on Facebook and I thought I put up some points that I really like and that apply to me here 😀 (And I edited some)

So… You know you’ve been in the Netherlands for too long when…

  • Walking from your faculty to the cafeteria has become unimaginable. You take your bike, even if it’s for 50meters
  • Eating 7 slides of bread for lunch doesn’t scare you anymore
  • You think 15°C is warm
  • You don’t remember what a mountain looks like
  • You still don’t know how to speak Dutch. But your English has improved. You don’t even bother to ask "do you speak English?", you just speak English right away
  • You always check the weather before leaving home
  • You have 4 seasons in one day
  • You know that kapsalon is not a typical Turkish dish, but a hairdresser
  • You can ride your bike in the rain, wind and even snow
  • You “wash” the dishes with a detergent without rinsing them
  • You go to the market and you only buy the stuffs that fit in you bike
  • You have mastered the art of riding a bike and drinking coffee/smoking/eating lunch at the same time
  • You understand why they don’t serve coffee at a coffeeshop.

A Soul Mate

People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.

A true soul mate is probably the most important person you’ll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave.

A soul mate’s purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master…

— Elizabeth Gilbert in Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman’s Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia