Broken Laptop

It’s been a month already when my laptop showed a strange behavior. First, it refused to start Windows Vista. I was still in Jeddah and I didn’t bring the recovery CD with me. So I reinstalled it with Windows 7 (it was a genuine one, but the key had been used by my brother, which made it not genuine hehehe — but I tweaked it around). At that time I notice that my laptop made a strange hard disk noise, as if something was stuck in there. It kept making the same noise for weeks, and when it did, my laptop turned so slow for few seconds to 5 minutes. It was annoying.

I told my friend, Angga, about it and he told me to make a back up of my data immediately. Because this was a physical damage. The hard disk would die anytime soon.

He was indeed true! Last week, my laptop refused to start its lovely Windows 7. I tried to reinstall it again with my Windows Vista, but it stopped in the middle of the installation. I had made a backup of my data, but I didn’t make a backup of my pictures and mp3s, because I planned to copy them into a DVD disc instead! I screwed up, but I let it go. Pasrah was the only choice available, I guess.

My laptop was dead by the time when I needed it the most, which was during exam time! So I was really panic (although, in the end, I decided to postpone my exam until next January). But then I needed it for a lot of things, assignments, work, etc. I needed it ASAP! The truth was, I didn’t have any money. The only money I had was the leftover of my salary in Jeddah, which was meant for my Middle East trip. I didn’t have many choices, I had to purchase another one while waiting for my laptop to be fixed. My trip would be cancelled. Great, right? 🙁

But then I was talking with Angga yesterday, and he told me that he and my friend Andi could help me recover the data AND replace the hard disk with the new one! OH MY GOD! How could I not remember that there existed MANY genius guys in this world that looooooved to mess around with the inside of the computer?!?! Hahahaha. So instead of paying hundreds of Euros for the replacement of the hard disk, I only paid few Euros to buy a new hard disk and its case (to recover my data) on eBay! How awesome!!! The best part was that Angga borrowed me his notebook until my laptop could finally work! Life was indeed great hahaha.

Alhamdulillah. Now I’m eagerly waiting for the delivery of my brand new hard disk 🙂 Insya Allah everything will be soon working AND I can blog again with my own laptop!!! And hopefully the trip will still be realized 🙂