Saturday is a bliss
For numerous times, Ari and I talked until so late today — until 5am! I couldn’t believe myself that I could stay up that late knowing that my energy was worn out due to Queen’s day and the preparation for our weekly pengajian. But I did that anyway, and I slept just after Fajr prayer.
I was awoken by a phone call from a friend in Leiden at 9am. It was at this time that I got a major headache that lasted until the evening. She had some problems and was even crying when she called me. I was still very tired but couldn’t really say anything except trying to calm her down and gave her my opinions and possible solutions. This kind of thing was unexpected; but I knew that if I needed help, I would perhaps annoyed people too. Hehehe. But I was glad that I picked up the phone and tried my best to help her.
I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn’t really sleep very well. I had to wake up and get ready by 1.30pm anyway. I went to Helmond at around 2pm; I was invited by Jess to celebrate his father’s birthday. Jess’s mom, bu Rosita, cooked a super delicious sate padang!!! I ate like crazy hahhaa. I think I ate more than 15 tusuk lol. Our friends, Windi and Heru also joined the celebration and we talked, talked, and talked! It was fun and we laughed a lot!
I reached home around 9pm and prepared myself to go to bed straight away. My headache didn’t get any better — it was even worst! I called my friend (who called me this morning) again to make sure she’s okay and went to sleep. By the time I was suddenly awake at 3am, I realized my headache was gone. Alhamdulillah.
Such a tiring day, yet fun! Ari, Jessie, and I planned to do an ice skating tomorrow, but it seemed like the plan would be canceled. So,ΓΒ I’m going to spend my Sunday for myself quietly.