Project 365

Welcome! This is my own 365 project of creating at least one post per day about the stuff that I learnt, achieved, and found, the stuff that made me happy, or the new thing I did every single day.

The project was started on 21 February 2010. It has stopped for few times but I am determined to continue!

This project is dedicated to myself. I want to feel grateful for every single thing I have. I want to be thankful for my own life. I just want to feel that I have enough.

Tag: forgive


The next time you get upset, remind yourself: is your anger and revenge worth more or is the forgiveness of Allah SWT that He’s offering you [because you forgive someone] worth more?

— Nouman Ali Khan

The Courage

The sun will stand as your best man and whistle when you have found the courage to marry Forgiveness; when you have found the courage to marry Love

— Hafez

Forgiving Part 2

Forgiving someone who has wronged you won’t make yesterday’s pain disappear, but it will allow tomorrow’s happiness to grow.

— Yasir Qadhi

I got this quote from a friend and it kind of struck me. It made me question myself: why did I forgive you in the first place?

Was it because I wanted to let go of the past? Or was it because I didn’t want to give a damn about you anymore? Or was it because I wanted to throw away all the burdens I had?

The answers were: yes, to all of the above questions.

But then, the question continued: why should I forgive you when I didn’t even want to deal with you anymore?

Forgiveness was one thing. To keep in touch was another thing. I thought.

But did it make my forgiveness genuine?

Well, let’s refer to the dictionary to know what ‘forgive’ really means. To stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw, or mistake.

The truth was, I was no longer angry at you. If I was, I wouldn’t be care enough to reply your messages. Or to ask how you were doing.

That day when you asked me if I would forgive you, I said yes. Yes. With no questions asked. No uncertainties inquired. And no conditions told.

Perhaps, this was the quickest way to officially close the book. I may or may not open the book again and continue with a new chapter. But for now, I’d prefer it to be closed and be stored in a dusty place. Just like I always did for the other books.

I had never felt so relieved until that day! 🙂

Goodbye, you.


When you forgive, you love, and when you love, God’s light shines through you.

Ron Franz in Into the Wild movie


Antwone Fisher: “Why do I have to forgive?”
Jerome Davenport: “To free yourself, so you can get on with your life.”

Antwone Fisher movie

When someone makes a mistake that leaves scars in your heart, it is hard to see him beyond his mistakes. It is easy for you to forget what this person did to you before this happens. It’s easy to deny the fact that he is a normal human being that is capable of making faults. It’s easy to forget that he was the one who were there for you when you needed someone at 1 am. No matter how cold it was at night, he came for you and listened to your problems. He made sure that you were okay.

I wonder… how could I be so blind? How could I not realize it til now?

So… I’ve decided. I’m going to leave these pages empty and close this book. I’m going to get another one. I’m going to start everything from the beginning again. I’m going to forgive him. So that I can get on with my life.